Welcome to our class!
In our class, we like to learn in lots of different ways.
Some of our favourite learning activities are…
cooking, painting, drawing, singing, signing, and forest schools!
We also like reading, writing and PE,
But best of all, we like spending time with each other!
A few reminders:
What are we learning about this term?
This term our learning will be based around our big question:
How can we make the world a better place?
See the termly overviews below to see what your child will be learning about during this term.
Home Learning Resources
Below are homework grids with a range of activities that you can complete with your child at home. There is a mixture of practical and physical activities as well as crafts and life skill activities, you can show us your learning by uploading a photo to your portfolio page on class dojo.
Below are some online resources and interactive games that the children can use to support their learning.
The children use 'Hwb' to explore, play games, create documents, save activities and practise logging in. You will need your child's username and password for this. Keep an eye out on the school Twitter page @ClasePrimary for ideas to help keep your children busy and stimulated!
If you have any queries about any of the information above, please feel free to contact
Mrs Lloyd via Class dojo or email: lloydl229@hwbcymru.net