Croeso i'r Ysgol Gynradd Y Clâs!
At Clase Primary School we pride ourselves on our strong inclusive ethos.
We offer a range of support for a variety of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) both for our pupils within mainstream classes and within our 4 Specialist Teaching Facilities (STF's) through targeted support and intervention based on SMART targets on an individual basis.
We are incredibly fortunate to have excellent staff with a wide breadth of experience and training linked to ALN which we utilise to support our pupils in their learning and are committed to offering support and advice to our families.
We place great emphasis on developing strong partnerships between home and school, as it is through working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support, that we can provide what is best for our pupils.
Please see our class pages to keep you up to date with pupil activities and information.
Mrs Reynolds our Additional Needs Co-ordinator is available in the mornings to help and make links with families and external agencies. She also works alongside our Educational Psychologist who is Kate Gobourn.
If you would like to speak to Mrs Reynolds or visit the school please speak to Mrs Kelly Williams, office manager, who will be more than happy to make an appointment for you to visit our school. She may be contacted via the school office on 01792 781747.