Dear Parent / Carer,
We are pleased to inform you that Breakfast Club will open from Monday 7th September 2020. There will be several changes to previous years, as we must observe the guidelines for social distancing.
There are limited places available therefore; if you wish, your child to attend you must request a place by contacting the office.
We ask that NO vehicles are driven onto school grounds and children walk onto the premises via the walking gate close to the Pelican Crossing. Children in Years one/two will attend Foundation Phase Hall and children in Years three, four, five and six will attend KS2 hall. Doors will open between 8.10 and 8.15. The children will then be divided into their social contact groups. Please can a responsible adult bring the child to the relevant entrance. We would be grateful if you could inform us of any contact with the virus or any known isolation cases.
The children will receive toast and a drink before leaving to join their classes.
Please can you complete the attached consent from and bring it with you on Monday morning - one form per child.
I will be available at the KS2 hall each morning, if you have any issues please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to seeing you all soon
Many thanks,
J Gimblett