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Cursive Handwriting

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At school, we teach the children cursive handwriting. This is a form of joined up handwriting. In this video, Mrs Bennett explains how you can use the 'Skywriter' to help your children practice cursive handwriting at home.

Daily Hand and Finger Exercises

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It's really important that we keep all parts of our bodies fit and healthy 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ including our hands! This is to make sure we can hold things like pencils, pens, knives and forks easily. In this video Mrs Parry shows you some simple exercises that you can do everyday using things that you will find around your house!

Dough Disco with Mrs Froom

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Warm up your fingers by joining in with Mrs Froom's dough disco activity.

Writing in Shaving Foam

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There are lots of fun things you can do with shaving foam. You can make marks and patterns like dots, lines and zig zags. You can write letter sounds or you can even write words and sentences. What will you write in the shaving foam?

Fine Motor Life Skills Activities

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Can you do your zip up?
Can you do your buttons up?
Can you tie your laces?
Follow the instructions to help you.

Moving Around the Garden!

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Can you roll a ball?
Can you jump over the stick?
Follow the instructions to help you.

Funky Fingers Activities

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Action Songs and Rhymes

5 Little Ducks

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Wind the Bobbin Up

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Incy Wincy Spider

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