Dear Parents / Guardians,
Over the last few weeks we have all begun to get used to a different way of working and learning together. We really are a school learning community without walls.
We want you to know we really miss seeing everyone who is part of our school family. Many of you already know that as a school we are now using different ways to communicate with parents, share learning and reward children who engage with the home activities on the school website.
Firstly, can I say a huge ‘diolch yn fawr’ to those parents who have found the time to connect with their child’s teacher on ClassDojo! I know staff have been really encouraged by how many parents have been interested to talk about how their children are getting on with this new kind of learning. If you haven’t had the chance yet, don’t worry, all you need to do is get an access code by emailing your child’s teacher!
Teachers have loved communicating with parents in this way, and being able to see snippets of the children’s learning at home has been wonderful – thank you for the effort you ae putting in, you are ALL amazing!
Using ClassDojo as a way of communicating with parents and sharing learning is new to us all and so when using it there are a few things to remember:-
Following these guidelines will help us all to use ClassDojo in a way that celebrates the learning our children are doing and gives us all the chance to help them be the best they can be, even during these challenging times.
Sharon Hope
Head Teacher