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Latest Update

30th March 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


As a school, we would like to send our love and best wishes to all of you during this very uncertain time.  Our thoughts are with you.


As a school, we have always and will always place the well-being of our children and staff at the heart of everything we do.  It has been an extremely stressful time for everyone, including your children, whom we miss a great deal. 


Please understand that all staff are striving to provide resources to support your child’s learning at home, but for now, I want to encourage you all to enjoy spending time with your child/children in the sunshine and taking part in some of the practical ideas staff have shared with you.  Make this time a time of fun for you all – even if you are confined to your own house and garden. Try not to concern yourself with academic work in the short term. There will be plenty of ideas on line and on our website if you wish to use them during this time.


We have set a two-week Easter break for all children and staff and I would ask you not to contact staff during this time unless it is necessary.


Please note the holiday dates for your child’s year groups below:



30th March – 14th April

6th April – 17th April

13th April – 24th April





Year 1/2

Year 3/4


Year 5/6



This staggered approach will help us to organise a break for all staff but still allow for emergency contact if you need any help.


Please try to make sure that you or your children do not contact teachers via HWB at weekends or any later than 3.30 in the afternoon. The staff also need some well-deserved rest at this very stressful time. If you need help with an activity please check the class page on the website to see which teacher is available and responding to children or look at the information below.




These are the teachers who will be available to answer questions on HWB over the next few weeks.





March 30th – April 3rd

April 6th – 10th April

13th April  - 17th April

April 20th – April 24th


Nursery and Reception

Miss Holloway

Mr Lewis

Mrs Whitehouse

Miss Holloway

Mr Lewis

Mrs Whitehouse

Year one two

Miss Blows

Mrs Bennett

Mrs Reynolds

Miss Rees

Miss Blows

Mrs Bennett

Miss Rees

Year three/four

Miss Manchipp

Miss Jones

Miss Humphreys

Mr Fisher

Miss  Manchipp

Mr Jones

Miss Humphreys

Mr Fisher

Year five /six

Mr Colston

Miss Jones

Miss Morgan

Mr Colston/

Miss  Jones

Miss Morgan

STF settings

Mrs Bennett

Miss  Holloway

Miss Rees

Miss Davies

Mrs Bray and Mrs Wheel

Mrs  Bennett

Miss Holloway

Miss Rees

Miss  Davies

Miss Bray and Mrs  Wheel


Finally, a big shout out to all the amazing critical workers out there!  We are forever grateful to you for the incredible work you take on every day.


Thank you for your continued support.


Sharon Hope
